1-28-07 Happy New Year! There's a new comic! And the announcement is in the next update. -- 9-4-06 The
first series is finished! Check out my review on how it ends. An important announcement in the next update! --
I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry,I'm sorry...
Volume 13 and 2 new comics are up.
Why didn't anyone tell me that I actually forgot to update the Reviews page? Oh well, so there's really 3 new reviews!
And, on a non-Lupin related note, Super Smash Bros. Brawl is gonna ROCK!
Got a new comic
plus Volume 10 AND 11!
Just a new new comic this week. Expect Volume 10 next week, however.
Volume Nine and a new comic for your reading pleasure.
is it ever the weekend! Sorry. Here's volume 8 and comic 5
Volume 7 and a new comic are
up! And some errors were fixed in Vol. 2. As for the update trend, expect...something...every weekend, be it review or comic.
*Well, we have 2 members in the forums now. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't join!
Been a while, eh? Sorry. Volume 7 is coming, but in the meantime, enjoy the new comic series here: Tales of the Wolf.
W00t! I'm 16 now! Anyway...I've added a links section...and that's it.