
Arséne Lupin III (First Appearance: Chapter 1-"Art of the Entrance")
Early on Lupin was a thief, a spy, a killer, and a rapist. Although Lupin continues to be a thief and a spy, he's cut
down on raping throughout the series. Lupin III is the grandson of Arséne Lupin, the legendary gentleman thief from France.
Lupin III is the best. No prison can hold him, no cop can catch him (although Zenigata hasn't given up), and he can steal
almost anything, including a babe's heart. He's a great shot, a master thief, a worthy rival, but he has only one weakness:
women. That's his only shortcoming.

Daisuke Jigen (First Appearance: Chapter 7-"The Hand is Quicker Than the Spy")
Lupin's right-hand man. In the manga, Jigen carries a .38 Double-Action Colt Executive (instead of a S&W Combat Magnum
as in the anime) and wears a fedora tilted over his eyes. He's the best shot of the group and the heaviest smoker. Although
Jigen distrusts women (especially Fujiko), that doesn't stop him from noticing them (Good examples: Chapters 13, 48). And
Lupin's obsession with women can be annoying for Jigen, also.
Although loyal to Lupin, Jigen has been known to play for other teams, but not by choice (sister kidnapped, for example)

Fujiko Mine (First Appearance: Chapter 3- "Mystery Woman")
It's a lie to say that Fujiko is a woman of many talents. Shes a bunch of women with the same name. However, I like to
think that there's a reoccurring Fujiko. One who is smart, sexy, and Lupin's equal in the fields of theft and espionage.
There's also a bunch of other Fujikos who are usually younger, more naive, and in the company of horny men often. But they're
not as interesting, so we'll consider the former to be the official Fujiko.

Goemon Ishikawa (First Appearance: Chapter 28-"Master Goemon")
Lupin's left hand man and the young samurai with old-fashioned mannerisms, Goemon helps out occasionally, having felt
that he could learn more from Lupin III than his own master. Goemon is amazingly fast, able to cut bullets with his sword,
known in the anime as the Zantestuken. Not much else is known about Goemon except that Goemon's very persistent and is reeeally
scary when you get him mad.

Inspector Koichi Zenigata (First Appearance: Chapter 1-"Art of the Entrance")
For every Jerry, there's a Tom. In this case, Lupin's chased all over Japan by the best that the Tokyo Metro Police Board
has to offer: Inspector Zenigata. Always ready with a pair of handcuffs in his hand, Zenigata will resort to any means to
arrest Lupin. He's even broke the law when trying to arrest Lupin (Good examples: Chapters 35, 88)
Lupin III (c) 1967 by Monkey Punch English Version (c) 2002 by TOKYOPOP Used without permission for non-profit purposes